GOODYEAR G316 LHT FUEL MAX 255/70r22.5

Product Number: 756067263

$713.96(per tire)
$18.99 FET
FREE Road Hazard Tire Replacement Warranty | 1 Year Coverage
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Goodyear Best Long Haul Trailer Tire for Long Miles to Removal

Special tread compound For long miles to removal and Smartway verification

Protective shoulder compound Helps guard the outer tread from accidental curb damage

Pressure distribution groove Helps promote long, even wear

Solid shoulder rib Helps enhance toughness and tire life

Tire Specifications

Speed Rating M
Sidewall Type Black
Revolution per Mile 568
Overall Diameter 36.3
Measured Rim Width 7.5
Max Load (lbs) 5510
Max Inflation (PSI) 120
Product # 756067263
Load Range H (16 ply)


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